Using my voice in a different way
I am very proud to announce that I have a brand new and exciting Voice-Over (VO) website which has just gone ‘live’ This has been a significant achievement for me as for many years now I have dabbled in the area of VO with a dream of doing something very visible and ‘out-there’ but […]
“YOU & I” – Love Poetry Voice-Over
I am privileged to supply the voice-over for a wonderful montage of love poetry written by Ms Moem – a fantastic brand new British poet. Click on image to hear the VO. What I love so much about this work is that she writes so completely from the heart, which makes her poetry so easy […]
Who’s listening?
My learning journey continues…. Listening, now that IS an interesting word. With communication being made easier and faster these days – it’s a fair question to ask, who is listening? Technically, a verb, the present participle of to lis-ten. It is to give your attention to a sound: “sit and listen to the radio”. It’s […]
Audio Book Lifeline
The learning journey continues… I was shocked to read today about Brighton Council, here in the UK, scrapping their talking book service as a cost cutting measure. What is so upsetting about this move, is the fact that many people who have sight problems find great comfort from such services, as it often offers an insight into […]
My vocal team
A performer is only as good as the production team behind them and in so doing makes sure to surround themselves with the best support that they can find – to coach and mentor, to guide, critique and congratulate. Well I am very fortunate to have created an illustrious team to support me on my […]
Working to repair my vocal onset
My VO learning journey continues… …with a first session with my new vocal coach, Gary Owston, Voice and Speech Tutor at Bristol Old Vic Theatre School, who is just amazingly wonderful at extracting the ‘best bits’ of my slightly damaged voice as the result of an ongoing cold and hacking cough. The sun was shining […]