My learning journey continues….

Listening, now that IS an interesting word. With communication being made easier and faster these days – it’s a fair question to ask, who is listening?

Technically, a verb, the present participle of to lis-ten. It is to give your attention to a sound: “sit and listen to the radio”. It’s to take notice of and act on what someone says; respond to advice or a request: “I told her over and over, but she wouldn’t listen”.

Listening is an important element of my forthcoming audio learning material that I will use as part of a new series of online courses called UListen2

I’m currently producing a version of ‘Transformational Training’ in Latvian and making the courses interesting enough for people to want to engage with the information is just part of it the design, and helping ‘listeners’ to want to take action is another part. I’ve had such a fabulous time with my Eurofortis colleagues here in Riga. This short film brings together so many aspects of what each day has been like over the last 72 hours – I hope you enjoy it


Until next time ~ happy learning!




Józefa Fawcett

Professional Trainer, Learning Specialist Designer & Voice-Over