I’m a Professional Trainer ~ I can do this!

My learning journey continues. Note to self:  Repeat the above mantra three times each and every day.  Why?  Because this time next week I will be in Kazakhstan delivering a five-day management development programme for a client. The daily challenge is the way that the delivery will be conducted. Many of us trainers and professional […]

16,767 Miles in six months!

The learning journey continues…Looking back over the last six months it’s hard to believe exactly how much has happened to me since I last posted here on this blog, and how far I have travelled. UK to Riga, Latvia (1800 miles); Latvia to Moscow (555 miles); Moscow back to UK (2182 miles); UK to Madrid […]

My last day in the UAE

The time that I’ve spent here in Dubai and Abu Dhabi has been eye opening in so many ways – much of which will be shared over a period of time during the coming weeks.  For now, there is one more business engagement this morning so I travel with my ‘allocated driver’ back to Dubai […]

Well we’re on our way to UAE

Back to my blog after a short time away. This next week I will chart my journey travelling with my lovely friend and VA Sarah Mercer who just also happens to be a Former European FX Gymnastic Champion, representing Great Britain in 1989 and 1990 / Master Gymnast Artistic Award Winner, cool eh? [youtube id=”I07hgjL3Ghc” […]

Teaching at MESI and then Mireille Matieu in Red Square, Moscow

A post to capture my time in Moscow teaching at Moscow State University for Economics, Statistics and Informatics.  I’ve got the morning off work to relax a little so off to Red Square with my friend Max to take lots of pictures in the sunshine. AN EVENING IN RED SQUARE The Spasskaya Tower is the main […]