You have told Joan that you are the manager and that she must have more respect for this fact, and she responds with:
“Well, one thing I have respect for is myself! Too much to stay on in this dump of a company, I am going to resign.”
Joan then leaves the meeting.
How do you feel at this point?
Which of the steps listed below would you take?
Open each one in turn and decide which to take in response to the problem above. Use the link in your chosen response to see the consequence of your action.
That you might have handled yourself and the situation better somewhere along the line.
If you would like a chance to retrace your steps and see what could have been done differently, use the link to try again.
That you did what any manager of a team would have done to correct poor attendance and subsequent performance issues, it is important to lead by example and show others in the team that you will not tolerate this kind of behaviour.
It can be difficult to manage a team and show them the leadership needed to motivate them to perform to the best of their ability. There will always be situations outside of your management and leadership control – but this was not one of them.
Take time to reflect upon how you could have handled this differently as it doesn’t show great leadership to have people leave in this manner, in fact it can do you more harm than good as replacing staff can be a costly business, even from within the company.
Look at our ‘Leaders Who Listen’ series of training courses on Floor 2 at JFI Store, as these might be of specific value to you.
Here are some shortcuts that will take you into 7 different endings hidden inside this training game.
This is where you STOP. Joan’s problem raises some interesting questions which you can discuss in our debriefing mentoring service (as part of this purchased course). The scheduled days and times of these are on our Action Learning Lab page.