The Positive Scoop

An exciting new approach to personal and professional development, discovery and growth.
At The Positive Scoop, there are many realities and ways to help you learn how to share your ‘best self’ with your team, your organisation and with your business contacts.
Adopting our R.E.A.L. Empathic Learning framework provides a fluid approach that enables you to banish negative self-talk and assumptions, and jolts you into a more positive cycle ~ one that creates real personal change in you, and those around you.
At the end of this unique experience, you’ll embrace what makes you exceptional, acknowledge the attitudinal shifts needed in your life. You will learn how to push boundaries and become agile, ready to take on, and more importantly create, a ‘better normal’ than the one we are all living and working in right now.
We all need more joy in our lives. We also need to reconnect with others but first we need to reconnect with ourselves.
More information coming very soon in 2024.