
You have placed a warning letter in Joan’s HR file and sent a copy through to your immediate line manager and to HR for their attention. In it you tell Joan that she must improve her performance and reduce her absences during the following month.

However, Joan is once again absent the first two Fridays in the next month.

At this point, what will you do now?

Which of the steps listed below would you take? 

Open each one in turn and decide which to take in response to the problem above. Use the link in your chosen response to see the consequence of your action.

Warn Joan what will happen if she is absent again on either of the next two Fridays.

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Wait to see if Joan is absent again during the remainder of the month.

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Transfer Joan at the first opportunity.

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Tell her that you don’t wish to intrude but at the same time she must see how her absences on so many Fridays are affecting her work, and that you are concerned about this, and know that she must be too.

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Explain to Joan that you hope that she will be able to improve this coming month. Then wait to see what happens and monitor her performance and attendance closely.

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